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Navigating COVID-19 the unconventional way

I know you are feeling like a hot mess right now. I get it, completely. I was in a daze for the last week.

This was supposed to be my year. This year was filled with opportunity, new adventures and the big picture things I’d been working my butt off to achieve. I put in the hard work and was ready to reap the rewards, but coronavirus had other plans.

I can sit and stew in anger, but that’s not really my style. Spirit world has taught me I need to feel everything and I need to share what I know in order to get their messages across to you.

Here’s what I want you to know and this comes from me, from my heart, and not from spirit. Okay, maybe a little from spirit.

It’s okay that things aren’t going as I envisioned. I am okay that this year isn’t meant to be my year. I didn’t lose anything big, but I gained a new perspective and I learned some good lessons along the way.

1) There are no guarantees in life. Nobody had a back-up plan in case of a global pandemic. Nobody owes you anything. You owe it to yourself to seek your joy, appreciate the little moments and allow yourself to feel.

2) It’s okay to take risks. In the deepest fear is the greatest accomplishment. Trust me, I know from experience. It was a giant risk for me to tell my employer I was quitting my job to talk to dead people full time. I took a giant financial risk while opening the door for others to question my sanity. I’d say it worked out okay.

3) Don’t dwell in panic. Focus on being great at what you do with how you have to do it now. I thrive being in front of a live audience, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be just as excited to deliver what you need through a webcam. Spirit doesn’t give a crap about the technology I use to share what they want to say.

Now, as we are staring coronavirus in the face daily, I challenge you to live purposefully. Figure out your stuff. Make a call to someone you miss. Write in a journal. Isolation doesn’t mean you have to be alone, and in fact, you are never alone (I know this for sure, wink, wink).

Stay healthy, stay inside, and wash your hands.


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